Emergency Preparedness


New Orleans. Nevada. Iowa. Lately, it seems that catastrophic flooding is devastating communities throughout the nation. Homes and businesses ruined. Lives lost. The emotional and financial impacts are staggering.

Recent research in our district indicates our residents have a high level of confidence in local flood protection. We believe our levees are strong and safe. But, even the strongest levees don’t guarantee protection from flooding. While we’d like to think “it can’t happen here,” those living on or near levees will always face some risk. If disaster strikes, will you be ready?

To follow are a few emergency preparedness tips from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA.) Want more? Visit www.floodsmart.gov and www.ready.gov.

Before a Flood

  • Develop a family emergency plan

  • Map out and practice your evacuation route

  • Store your most important possessions on the second floor or in your attic


During a Flood

  • Evacuate if told to do so by authorities

  • Shut off utilities when flood waters begin to rise

  • Listen to a hand-held radio for emergency instructions


After a Flood

  • Take photos of all damage

  • Keep a list of damaged or lost items for insurance claims

  • Prevent mold by removing all items that hold water, such as carpeting, bedding and furniture